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Search Tips

Unable to find results for your search?

 Please note that searches may be affected by the inclusion or omission of apostrophes and hyphens.
 Check that all words are spelt correctly.
 Click on Advanced Search and then press the Reset Filters button.

You may telephone or email us for search assistance. It's Free!

Office hours are from 09.00 to 17.45 - UK time

The following Tips can help you perform a successful search:

 Use * to do a partial Word search: eg. 'vine*' will give results including vineyard and vineyards, whilst 'wine*' will give results including winemaker and winery.

 Broaden your search by using 'or'. If you want your search results to contain any of your keywords; use 'or' between each word. For example, if you are searching for images of either Bordeaux or Burgundy, search on 'Bordeaux or Burgundy'.

 Refine your search by using 'and'. If you want your search results to contain all of your keywords; leave a space between each word or use 'and'. For example, if you are searching for images  that include both 'harvesting' and 'vineyard'; search on 'harvesting vineyard' or 'harvesting and vineyard'.

 Restrict your search by using 'not'. If you want landscapes which do not include vineyards then search for 'landscape not vineyard'.

 Never begin a keyword search with the words and, or, not.